[100g] Chelbesa, Ethiopia / チェルベサ、エチオピア


*Earliest delivery date is 1/20(Mon) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Tax included.

*Shipping fee is not included.More information

Shipping method / fee

The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method. Customers can choose the shipping method at time of purchase.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥5,000 will be free.

  • お任せ配送(60サイズ箱~)


    Shipping fees vary by region and size.

    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Prefecture/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)


















    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
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    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size 60サイズ(1kg未満まで) 80サイズ(1kg以上)
      Uniform rate for area



  • お任せ配送(100g~)


    Shipping fees vary by region and size.

    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Prefecture/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)


















    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



    • Area/Size クリックポスト 60サイズ(珈琲豆100gが3個以上)
      Uniform rate for area



The shipping fees and delivery method/s for this product are as follows.

  • EMS

    This shipping supports package tracking and compensation for damages.

    Shipping fees vary by region.

    • Asia
      Uniform rate for area


    • Oceania
      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


    • South America
      Uniform rate for area


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      Uniform rate for area


    • Other areas
      Uniform rate for area


*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥5,000 will be free.

*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.

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生産地 / Region:Chelbesa, Gedeb, Gedeo Zone, Yirgacheffe / チェルベサ、ゲデブ、ゲデオ、イルガチェフ
標高 / Altitude: 1950 - 2,200 masl
品種 / Variety: Heirloom
精製 / Process: Natural
味について / Tasting note:
ベリー、ダークチョコ、柑橘、スムース / Berries, dark chocolate, citric & smooth mouth wheel.
焙煎度 / Roasting: 軽めミディアム / Medium light

チェルベサ村の中にある小さな集落にあるウォッシングステーションで精製されたこのコーヒーもエチオピア- ナチュラルらしい”ベリー&シトラス感”溢れるコーヒーになります。





I wish I could keep drinking it forever. One of the coffees that I wish I could keep drinking forever,
One of the coffees that I wish I could keep drinking forever is a coffee that is full of Ethiopian terroir.
This coffee, which is refined at a washing station in a small village in the village of Chelbesa, is also an Ethiopian Natural coffee with a "berry" taste.
The roast is slightly darker than ANY's usual right roast, giving it a dark chocolate flavour! This gives the coffee a very well-balanced finish, with the body and the mild sweetness of dark chocolate.

At the washing station, deep in the mountains at an altitude of over 1,950m, long sleeves are required in the morning and at night, and the temperature drops so low in the mornings that fog can roll in.
The drying process takes 10-14 days and carefully extracts the full potential of the Chelbesa coffee cherries.

Because we are in a privileged natural environment.
Because we make every effort to maintain high quality.
In our cups, there are coffees that we wish we could keep drinking forever." In our cups, there is coffee that we wish we could keep drinking forever.

In our food culture, there is a gesture of putting one's hands together in thanksgiving.
We do not just consume it, but also think about the scenery and the life beyond this cup.

Chelbesa! Itadaki-masu!」

▷▷Sample Recipe▷▷

For Origami Dripper
Does / 粉量 : 12.5g
Water / お湯 : 210g
Temp / 温度 : 92°
Grind Size / 挽き目 : 粗挽きコショウ程度
Brewing Time / 抽出時間:2:30〜2:40
1投目:30g のお湯。40秒の蒸らし
Enjoy your cup!!!

[About overseas Shipping]

We are shipping globally.
If you choose EMS, it is a faster way from Japan to your home.
The e-packet is cheaper but it takes 7-14days (sometimes a bit more).
Please choose your way.

Also, the e-packet is the maximum of up to 2kg. If you need a big amount of coffee, please let us know.
We can help you with a big order or wholesale order as well.


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